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China Logistics Helps Build Mexico’ Light Rail Project

Time : 2024-12-17

  Recently, Zhongte International Company, the subsidiary of ChinaLogistics, transported 10 columns of 20 new light rail vehicles and just arrived at the depot base of the Metro Line 4 project in Guadalajara, Mexico. At the Handover Ceremony, the governor of Jalisco State of Mexico witnessed the new achievements of China-Mexico light rail cooperation and showed appreciation for China's excellent performance in implementing the project.

  Guadalajara Line 4 is the fourth light rail line in Guadalajara invested by the Mexican government and built by China CRRC Corporate Limited. With eight stations and a total length of 21.1 kilometers, it connects Tla Homulco, Tlac Park and Guadalajara, providing convenient travel for about 116,000 people in the southern part. The travel period will be reduced to 35 minutes, from the original 2 hours.

  China Logistics will continue to add vitality to overseas market expansion and make new contributions to the "Belt and Road".

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